Posted by Bill Boyd on May 25, 2020
Many Rotarians support the concept of Peace [though there is no clear definition of what Peace is]. While the decision to establish a Peace Endowment was made in 2005, it was 2008 before work to fund the endowment began and by 2017 the gifts as at 30 September 2017 are in excess of $156 million. 
When we first established our Peace scholarship program 15 years ago we were almost unique. Now there are some 600 scholarships and we have no point of difference.although our scholarships remain amongst the most generous.
The funding comes from Foundation funds and there is no requirement for districts which nominate scholars to contribute to the cost, though some districts give DDF.
The cost per student varies from University to University and in addition we provide an administration stipend to each University. The current cost per student and source of funding are outlined below. 
Cost per student:
University of North Carolina   $121 355   
Duke $117 710  [plus combined stipend $106 162][UNC and Duke share 10 students on a joint basis]
ICU [Japan]     $69 157     [Plus stipend  $46 908]
University of Queensland     $66 465    [Plus stipend  $54 453]
Uppsala     $62 488   [Plus stipend   $123 325]
Bradford     $49 608     [Plus stipend    $49 988]
Each of these courses takes 10 new Peace Scholars each year.
Chulalongkorn   $9 912   [Plus stipend $ 131 453]   Chula is the 3 month Certificate course for 50 students. 
Administration costs.
The TRF staff and admin costs approx. $500 000 per year

Funding Sources.         
DDF                                                 $ 1 000 000
Spendable from endowment           $2 500 000
Term Gifts                                          $100 000
World Fund                                        $800 000
Which gives a total of                     $ 4 400 000   for 100 scholars
Plus the University stipends of       $ 550 000 from the World Fund 

Our students post graduation.
It is not easy to find jobs that are directly related to Peace and 5% of our scholars are looking for work. Most find work 12/24 months after graduation.  37% work in NGOs, 22% in education, research and gaining additional degrees, 14% in government or military, 6% for UN agencies, and the balance are lawyers, police, journalists, etc.

29% work in North America, 22% in Asia, 15% in Europe. 12% in Africa, 9% in Australia & Oceania, 8% in South America, 4% in the Middle East and 2% in Central America
Around 5%-6% are Rotarians as against 3%-4% of other Foundation scholars

There are a number of other Rotary Peace initiatives. French Rotarians have established and  funded a Rotary Peace Chair in Lille and hope to fund  another 6, we have several programs funded by Rotary and run in association with the Institute of Economics and Peace, a Peace Rotarian Action Group, several Peace Conferences and Symposiums, and there are a number of Peacebuilder Clubs and  Districts. An Italian Rotarian is working to convince his university to establish a three month course in Peacebuilding for refugees in Rome.